About Us
Established in 1999 not long after public access to the Internet became available, our mission is to provide a single, easy-to-use and unbiased online source for high school students and college undergrads to reach the websites of all universities, colleges and trade schools to facilitate planning of the next step in their academic careers.
As academic institutions developed websites to promote their programs, facilities and student life experience, we provided each with a constant means for college-bound students to locate and access their site.
In response to requests and suggestions from parents and high school guidance counselors, we help capture and promote the college acceptance and college spirit experiences by providing an easy-to-use source for obtaining college-specific apparel through our affiliation with manufacturers and suppliers of authentic college and NCAA gear.
As colleges become universities and trade schools grow to become accredited colleges, we keep pace with their changes, both in name and transition to a new website address.